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by Philip Johnston

Diary Building 101: Practice Tools overview

Choose from a buffet of student practice tools and resources—include what’s useful, omit what’s not. Manuscript paper, practice tools, tempo trackers, planners and calendars…there’s a full tour of what’s available here. Here’s how it works.


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number1Choose what you need

You can select all, some, or none of the templates on offer. Like everything else in the diary, it’s up to you…include those tools that support how you work, ignore those that don’t.

number2Decide how many pages each should occupy

So if you select “manuscript paper”, you can choose how many pages of manuscript paper you want to include—don’t forget the 96 page ceiling for the entire diary. Some resources (such as the practice board game) are designed only to appear once…but even then, if you really wanted to, you could request multiple instances.

number3Any order you like

Resources in this section can be arranged in the order that suits you. When you’re at the diary creation portal, whatever resource you select first for this section will appear first, whatever you select second will appear second…and so on.

number4Not sure what to choose?

Check this grand tour of all the practice tools templates.

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