by Philip Johnston
Diary Building 101: Your Introduction
Your text, your photos, setting the expectations, culture, atmosphere and energy of your studio. Here’s how it works.
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Your intro…your content
This is what students and parents will see when they first open their diaries, and the content is completely up to you—welcome, studio policy, practice hints, instructions for diary usage…whatever message you want to send. (There are lots more suggestions here).
How long should it be?
There’s a limit of 1200 words. Bear in mind too that you need to allow 1 page for every 250 words of text (assuming no images), and that your entire diary has a ceiling of 96 pages. If in doubt, keep your introduction short—there’s much more chance that students will actually read it 🙂 Also note that it’s possible to omit an introduction entirely if you would prefer.
What you can upload
You’ll be able to submit your completed text as Word, Pages (I run a mac studio here), text or RTF files, while I can accept images in jpg, png or tiff formats. Please ensure the images are high resolution though (see this article to see exactly what I mean by that)
I’ll do the rest for you
These diaries are not automated—once you’ve uploaded your text and images, I’ll be laying your diary out for you using exactly the same tools I use to layout my own books. I’ll send through a proof of the whole diary once I’m done; nothing goes to press until you’ve approved everything.
Need ideas for your intro?
Check this guide.[/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]